Blood Pressure: Is BP taking care of properly? 

Danger when reading? 

Shocking things in the latest study

Blood Pressure

The Story Sailor:

Usually a hand strap is used to measure blood pressure (BP) and readings are done with the help of a sphygmomanometer. But experts say there may be differences in BP readings when viewed with both hands separately.

Usually a hand strap is used to measure blood pressure (BP) and readings are done with the help of a sphygmomanometer. But experts say there may be differences in BP readings when viewed with both hands separately. A recent study revealed that differences in BP when measured may be a sign of a heart attack. A report on this was recently published in the Journal of Hypertension. For this research 24 studies collected from around the world were analyzed. Dr Chris Clark, a member of the study team, said that from now on BP caregivers will have to look at systolic readings with both hands. He is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Exeter Medical School Clinical Institute in the UK. 

How to identify Heart Increased risk

Blood Pressure is measured in millimeters. The study found that Blood Pressure readings on both hands differed by more than ten millimeters. 

Each degree increase increased the risk of chest pain and heart attack by one percent. If there is a difference of more than five millimeters in the BP reading of both hands, the researchers say, they should be considered to have heart problems. Therefore BP should be taken care of with both hands to assess the risks in advance.

Identified any Systolic reading differences

The American Heart Association recognizes a 120/80 systolic reading as normal blood pressure. Fluctuations of up to 10 millimeters in both hand readings have no major effect, the company said. 

But if there are too many differences it should be considered as a sign that the coronary arteries are closing or hardening. It affects blood flow. 

In Britain and the European Union, a difference of 15 mm or more in this reading is found to be dangerous. Experts say the international guidelines for BP should be revised based on the differences identified in the study.

How to check Blood Pressure

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that people with illness and previous surgeries use BP measuring devices properly. 

BP should be placed on the top of the elbow rather than at the wrist. BP should be measured at the same time every day. Do not smoke until half an hour before. 

Do not drink caffeinated coffee or other beverages. Do not exercise. Do not stop going to the urinal. BP should sit on a regular chair rather than on the sofa while watching. In addition, the hand should be placed on the table without leaving the bottom. 

The AHA suggests looking at the BP two or three times per hand and considering the incoming reading.